Friday, June 19, 2015

You Are Not Who You Think You Are - Transformative Thinking

Hey Guys & Gals

I haven't been motivated to blog lately!  I feel like I wasn't ready to come back to LA after NOLA, and I have stubbornly been refusing to give up the idea of traveling and vacation.  I have also been in more of the mood to be searching within, than chatting about Auditions and acting focus.  I have felt like I am having a hard time keeping my light shining. Allowing others' worries, moods, fears affect me in negative ways.  Allowing my own fears, doubts and distrust in people or the universe to clutter my brain with poor thoughts, make me second guess my intuition or even distract me from the good that is occurring. Things like this video help put all that to rest. It helps wake up the spirit after turmoil, let down or disappointment.  My light is diminished because I am allowing it to be.  And I want to wake up and start over and choose to be that light again. I have it in me, I have always had it in me, and this guy.....this stranger, this actor with a positive message, made me feel more seen, accepted and loved (understood & acknowledged) in 5 minutes than some of the people in my life have ever made me feel about myself.  Which includes myself.  I let my work on self love & care fall to the waist side when the to do list becomes overwhelming or other people need me or when I need to work a ton to catch up financially.  When self-care is neglected, my light goes out.  It's a flame with no oxygen. That is not okay. And when I fan the flame I see all the good I am able to create because I feel good. I am choosing good.  I had proof of that again in New Orleans last week. Which I will share The Good News about in my June Newsletter soon.

Keep the people around who want you to shine brightly because they know how powerful you are, should be, and need to be to make this planet a better place. Those who only seemed to get burned by your fire, let them fly away and fry themselves elsewhere! Don't let anyone diminish your good or make you feel like you are less than and need to play small for their comfort.  If you don't want to cut and run, call them out....either they will respect you enough to explain that there was a misunderstanding or be willing to change themselves for the higher purpose of the relationship.  If they can't do that, just say goodbye.  Life is too short to be buried under someone else's baggage.

Enjoy this video and remember how amazing you truly are!


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