Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Are you experiencing rejection or self doubt?

Hey Guys & Gals

As some of you may know I have been taking an online class with Wendy Braun called The Success Breakthrough Workshop, in it, there is a module that talks about our core beliefs, fears and how to create new beliefs. It's amazing to me how we attach ourselves to certain negative beliefs so early in our lives and how long we can carry that baggage with us. 

The more I really listen to others talk about life and career struggles as well as my own inner thoughts the more I realize a lot of what we think about is fear based. As actors, musicians, entrepreneurs, our whole livelihood is based on others liking us.....Think about that. It's not necessarily why we do it, (although if that is the case for you, you might want to look at that and reconsider this profession) - but it is how the machine of this business is run. You need fans to have a living, whether it's literal fans or casting directors that like you, directors that like working with you, or writer/producers who keep giving you parts. You do need to be liked by someone. It's like being the new kid at school every time you walk into an audition room or play a show in a new town, "Is anyone going to want to sit with me at lunch?" Oh, that stress and agony I do not miss. I was the new kid a few times growing up. I quickly learned how to adapt to be likable, to be competitive and even when needed, feared. Yes, my little stick figure & sass back then could scare someone into submission. I was NOT about to be bullied! The first and last time boys tried to pin me down in recess got their arms chewed! The competitiveness came in handy when being chosen on teams for gym class - an easier way to get accepted in a group. God that all sounds exhausting doesn't it? And this was all under the age of 12.

Anyone see the animated film - INSIDE OUT? - Wendy mentioned it in class and I had never really considered this before watching it, how that "need" to be accepted thing, from moving around affected me as much as it did. I always found myself falling into friendships pretty quickly after a move - but the few hours or days of uncertainty did leave a mark - much like the star in this animated film. I can see how those traits played out more in my 20s for sure, I had major FOMO. When I hit my 30s I kinda went the other way, and still say No, ALOT, maybe even too much, but years and years running around ragged burnt me out, and I just felt like you get me or you don't, you like me or you don't and I became more of an introvert. - However, here's the rub, even introverted, I still have a need to prove myself in certain relationships. Ugh, it doesn't just go away!?

Which brings me to a job I had gotten. An acting gig. And it had been a long time since I had one. It was just a small role but I got to travel for it. When I got there, I was charged up and super positive and amped about the opportunity! When I arrived I realized it was almost the last day of the shoot. All the leads were gone except the one in our scene and suddenly I felt like I was the new kid in the cafeteria again. "Everyone knows each other already, I'm only in one scene, how I am going to get to know anyone?" - my brain alerted me. But I shook it off and carried on. We did our rehearsal and were getting ready to shoot, when all of a sudden there was a hold up. A whispery meeting was taking place outside. One of the other actresses in my scene heard they might just scrap the scene all together. CUE the 3rd grader me, not feeling like I am going to get picked for the team, and getting angry because I didn't get to prove myself yet, which triggers the downward spiral into every judgement I have ever heard or felt from others which lets my inner critic loose to have a field day on me! "I'm not good enough", "I'm not pretty enough", "I should have gotten a nose job 10 years ago, why did I let them move me from my 'good side' to my 'bad side'?" "Geez Nicole, you can't even be seen as good enough in this little po-dunk town, how could you ever make it in LA?", "Really?, my 3 sentences were that bad? I should just give up!", "Maybe they never wanted me in the first place, maybe I was 2nd or 3rd choice and they had to settle for me?" ALL OF THAT F-in NOISE!!! 

Not sure of the artist, but I just googled crazy brain! It cracked me up!
I'm mean this crap is all the evidence you need to keep that inner critic alive and well. And that ego will collect all of it for proof it needs in the near future! Like a detective slapping down the crime scene photos on the table to taunt their suspect. Except in our case, that folder comes out just in time to tarnish something else that you should be feeling good about. YOU BOOKED A JOB!

So we go through all that hubbub in our mind. But what's the reality? I've been on the other side of the business, I have a casting and producer brain understanding. That scene I did get cast in, kinda came out of left field with the tone of the rest of the script. And if I wasn't doing what they wanted or envisioned for the character wouldn't they have first, cast someone else or second, attempt to give me some kind of note of direction on set? They shot multiple versions of the scene, so it became obvious they just weren't sure what they wanted or needed and just wanted to be covered for editing. Yet, look at the drama I put myself through needlessly in a matter of minutes. And it most likely had NOTHING to do with me. Isn't that such a human thing to do? To make it about us, and take things personally? Even if the truth is, they didn't like my "bad side" SO WHAT?! - I got a credit, I got paid, I got cast, I got to see a new town, I got to act, I got to show up and do my job. And that's all we can ever do. And there was a lot to appreciate about that situation. I can't help it if I am a required taste or if everyone is going to like me or not. All I can do is keep showing up and do my best. And most of all, my work is continuing to believe in & trust myself!

Here's the thing. If I wasn't able to recognize those thoughts and tame them, it could have turned into a major self-sabotage. I could have had a meltdown on set. I could have wasted a whole day off wallowing in self-pity and not exploring a new place, I could have turned off the cast and crew with copping an attitude out of self-preservation, I could have forgotten to send appreciation notes and not honor the opportunity I was given from being too busy in my pity party, OR, I simply could have just quit! Our ego and inner critic is designed to protect us from hurt, therefore it's job is to make us avoid potential rejection. But when we assume the worst or take things personally - WE ARE THE ONES REJECTING OURSELVES! Sure it may keep us from some threat of outside embarrassment but it also keeps us from making our dreams a reality. Don't let that happen. Tell your inner critic to take a walk or a flying hike for the matter!

This shows up in school, work, new projects, dating, relationships, really all over our lives. When we master this, life can start to flow for us a whole lot easier. And every opportunity, meeting, show, gig or even date can just be about the experience, not the outcome. How much more freeing does that sound? So I hope reading this you can see you are not alone! And if you have never felt this way and life has been a breeze - good for you. Whatever your secret is you can get paid a lot of money to share it with the world! haha

If you want more encouragement on this topic - here is a great post I just came across looking for more ART - Divinely Inspired! Positively Present!

Be well ya'll & whatever you do, be good to yourself!

Happy creating & stumbling along the way,

xo - me

Thursday, April 13, 2017

What parts of yourself do you show? PART 3

Hey Guys & Gals,

Continuing on with my Archetype Project. I really love this character!  I would actually love to get to play her one day.

Here's Archetype 3: Julia

Remember Bold = True about me

She's a bit more NYC sophisticated.  Writer/Novelist that had hits writing teen dramas and riding the wave of those successes, but is now searching for her voice as an adult story-teller. Similar to her own personal journey - she feels she is starting to discover herself in a new waySingle but wants to be married someday. Been career focused and dating casually but no one has knocked off her socks yet.

She is confident and has a close-knit group of friends. Binges on wine (white if she's wearing white) but mostly red, coffee, popcorn (preferably with cheese), & Sex In The City reruns.  She loves the city. She doesn't exercise except a Zumba class her friend drags her to once in a while and prefers to walk everywhere, she's been lucky with her body type but has noticed the thighs are changing in her mid - 30s ---"Not cool, thighs!". She loves clever stand-up comedians like Ellen & Dave Chapelle - she secretly wishes she could be a freestyle rapper - "They are word geniuses!". And of course she is a sucker for a good ol' fashion Broadway Musical. She has been known to get drunk enough to Karaoke TLC & Salt & Peppa. But that is the extent of her musical endeavors.
Her hero's are Elizabeth Gilbert, Nancy Meyers, Shondra Rhimes, Jane Austin, Agatha Christie, & J.K. Rowling. She will watch anything with Goldie Hawn, Julia Roberts, Meryl Streep, Cate Blancett, Kate Winslet, Viola Davis, Jennifer Aniston, Diane Keaton or Sarah Jessica Parker in it.  She is at the point in her life where she is ready to experience more emotional risk, and deepen her spiritual understanding of the world.  She doesn't want to just entertain people with her writing anymore, she wants to help them understand themselves better and heal. She doesn't know why or how, but she knows she has to start with herself. -


 I almost feel like this one has a Novelist's promo photo look!  Can't you see this bottom picture on the back of a hard copy?  

I used some editorial photos of Julia Roberts & Meryl Streep for inspiration.  They tend to wear black & white as well and they have a great tone of confidence that comes through.  And of course I need to thank the wonderfully talented James Rhodimer yet again - for giving me a nice natural touch up! Check out @ Rhodimer.com

My other Archetypes were created to give me a place in Co-Star/Guest Star roles on TV.  Even though Julia has a place in TV, I feel like she really belongs in FILM.  Unless there is a new TV show to come out that is Sex In The City meets Eat Pray Love. And Julia would be the starring role! The series would follow her whole journey. (which I am not opposed to UNIVERSE, hear me?!)  Julia needs to be a lead character in a Nancy Meyers film. If any of you know her, can you introduce us? Please?????  Holy dream come true that would be!

I have some fun Marketing ideas for her that I will share in another blog sometime soon.

Next will be Jessie!  Been vintage shopping for her.....hehe wish me luck!

Happy Spring everyone!


Friday, March 17, 2017

What sides of yourself do you show? PART 2

Hey Guys & Gals,

I got back my 2nd round of Archetype shots from James Rhodimer!  Remember I told you about my little self-portrait project?

Here's the Link to PART 1 if you missed it.

So allow me to introduce you to Joley!

Joley is a quirky helpless romantic, who loves Disney films & Rom-Coms.  She wanted to be Tinkerbell at Disney's Theme park but she was too tall.  She is a people pleaser, which conflicts with the fact that she works as an assistant to an overbearing boss who she lets take advantage of her.  All the while finding time to volunteer on her weekends to work with kids or animal adoptions. (I pet sit quite a bit)

She is saving up to go back to school to be a teacher - and she believes the man of her dreams is literally going to bang into her one day at her favorite little bookshop just like a meet-cute in the old Hollywood movies! (sorta happened involving a beach)

Note: If you didn't catch it in the last blog the BOLD notes are true blue parts of ME, Nicole - pun intended

Potential Role Range -
Preschool Teacher
Quirky co-worker
Young Fun Mom
Zany neighbor
Sweet on the outside all kinds of crazy on the inside stalker ex-girlfriend
Children's Party Princess/fairy costume performer
Sweet compassionate nurse/caretaker

TV Shows ideas (situational comedies)


Ironically, I am just realizing I have subconsciously named her similar to my boyfriend's name JOEL, the Starbucks Barista's pronunciation of his name when they yell out his order for pick up! haha 
Joel says I have Disney eyes! Well at least when I am feeling sweet & happy.  

So thank you again to the amazing retouching skills of James Rhomider @ Rhodimer.com

ps...Next to come Archetype: JULIA -

Happy Friday & Happy Creating!

xo - Nicole

Friday, February 17, 2017

Keep digging, stretching & expanding

Hey Guys & Gals,

I am currently sipping on a half glass of wine coming down from a new class high. I recently started taking The Success Breakthrough Workshop with Wendy Braun and holy moly is it good. First of all, it's broken up in Modules 1 per week (4-6 videos each) and runs online so you can do it all at your own convenience.

Second, it packs a punch! Wendy focuses on what is holding us back from success and how to break those old critics or naysayer stories running willy nilly in our heads. You know those dark crummy thoughts that keep us from living our full potential. Now, she completely speaks my language and this is in total alignment with a lot of other spiritual work I have done on my own. But for someone like my boyfriend or my baby brother (aka Aries men), this language might take some getting used too. I have been attracted to this kind of philosophy for a long time, whether learning it through therapy, self-help books, yoga or good old fashion life experience. But this class seemed to be the next level of what I needed right now.

This course is specific to actors because she is an actor and she knows our challenges in an ever-changing entertainment business, however, I can see this also being helpful to Musicians and Entrepreneurs. To make a course like this worth it, you gotta do the work and be willing to try things differently. Module 1 was all about getting into the nitty gritty of our psyche. Could be scary yes, could be painful to dredge up old hurtful memories, sure, and it will be, but she gives you ways to move through them and come out on the other side feeling more empowered. Plus you have an online community of others going through the same exercises as you, supporting each other along the way. I will be honest, I had a few days off until Module 2 started up, and the clever Universe threw some situations at me as a test I suppose. I struggled a bit, so yes, there is still work to do of course, but that is why this course is 6 weeks and not just a Thursday night!

Here is a little taste...
 Heard something like this somewhere else? - How about this?

Mind not blown yet - I will continue - 

DAAAAAANG ponder that a moment...go ahead and sit with it - 

Now this quote from Module 2 really pulled at my hearts strings and made me think of my dad. 

Those of you who know me or have followed my "sharing" in the past few years, know I lost my dad in 2013 and I have pretty much just been putting myself back together ever since. Including getting my manifesting groove back.  But in all this self-work one realizes how much we have taken from our parents even the parts we judge them on or try to avoid. That shit seeps in and rears it's head when you least expect it.  

So my dad was a very talented singer-songwriter who moved to LA to go after his dreams in his late teens but went back home in his early 20s, with a son, a young wife, and unbeknownst to him another baby boy baking in another oven - (another incredible story for another day but check out facebook.com/peterdionnemusic for a glimpse) He became a fisherman for years off the coast of Massachusetts and deeply inspired by the sea, and wrote a whole album about it,  my mom, his second wife was the one that really helped him craft his musings to finished songs and poetry and got him to record. But you don't know him, his music never reached you if you were outside our immediate circle of family and friends. And as he got into other things, mainly trouble, I saw that eat at him the rest of his life. Well, here I am in LA, going after and simultaneously dodging my dreams toying with pursuing my god given talents and now that I am in my 30s I ask myself how am I any different? And I am surrounded by amazingly talented people struggling with the same thing.


I give us all permission to do what needs to be done to shake this shit out of our soul's and to step into our greatness. Life is too short to play small. But it takes facing fear and discipline to go after what calls to your heart. And more so to be successful at it. Don't wait for the perfect agent, the perfect relationship, the perfect pictures or website - Just start or Just finish for some. But keep practicing the empowering thoughts and ignoring the ones that make you feel small, they ARE NOT real.  If you have a hard time doing this on your own, find a positive friend and ask them to be your sponsor to remind you of your worth!

Here's to loving ourselves enough to Live our dreams! And thanks to Wendy Braun for helping me by kicking me in the tush with positive juju.

xo - Nicole

Friday, February 10, 2017

What sides of yourself do you show? PART 1

Hey Guys & Gals!

It's been a while since I have been inspired to blog about acting. For those who don't know I spent last year & change really supporting other actors development. Helping them find their niches, picking out their best photos & reel footage, but most importantly learning about who they are, their natural essence, their strengths in expression, what they put out to the world and ultimately the type of work they want to be attracting. Together with getting specific and detailed and clearing out the clutter - We would implement ideas and I saw the ones that did the work for themselves get more opportunities.

In doing so I realized I haven't ever fully committed to doing the work PROPERLY for myself. I was making sure my clients were accountable, but no one was holding me accountable for my own career goals with acting. I did a half-ass version of it, and it would show in every headshot session I took, no matter how good the photographer was, there was a part of me missing.

As an Artist, I think we all have this underlying force that drives us to be liked or at the very least understood, so the pressure of a headshot session really puts a magnifying glass on that - and the pressure to get it right usually creates the opposite outcome. Worries include: I don't want to look ugly or fake or standoffish or overly confident etc etc etc - then what do you get? Someone disconnected & stuck in their head with a fake smile on their face. Basically, you have 2 seconds to make an impression on a gatekeeper for a potential job through a 2"X 3" photo on a computer screen. If you don't make a strong enough impression you don't get a second click of a button to see your reel footage, nevermind a third click to be invited to an audition. So essentially that leaves thousands of talented actors out there jobless and never seen because their headshot didn't make a good enough impression.

So I have decided to take my own advice and create an action plan. I got a camera for Christmas and decided I could just practice on myself and develop some character Archetype ideas before investing in yet another round of headshots. And to my surprise, I got some pretty good stuff! I like the word Archetype because it reminds me of classic storytelling - There's always the Ingenue, the Love interest, The Protagonist, the Villian, in most stories - However, now we see it's more interesting if someone has layers in their work. And I can go in to a whole tangent on that - but this is where our core selves come in, to make that Archetype a Human Being. And a unique human being that other people can relate to but only we can bring to the table.

Which brings me to my First Archetype JENNIFER

Jennifer is an east-coast girl with sass, edge and attitude. She has a bit of a chip on her shoulder from a tough upbringing. She's a bartender & rock & roll music lover. She doesn't trust easily but is loyal to a fault when she loves you. If there is a tough situation ahead, Jennifer doesn't cower in fear, she takes on the challenge and she stands up to fight.

I wanted to try on Jennifer first because she is a close version me and people I grew up around. Every BOLD WORD is an inner truth for NICOLE, the real me. She is also pretty natural as well, and not afraid to look bad. So technically speaking, with not knowing my camera that well, it seemed to be the easiest option to try.

I was recently using an exercise DALLAS TRAVERS teaches in her class called THE ACTORS BUSINESS BLUEPRINT, and I was reminded of the philosophy of researching backward. A few of my Target shows are stylized - fantasy Dramas. THE WALKING DEAD, VAMPIRE DIARIES & THE ORIGINALS - They are all shot in the southeast and it made sense that someone like JENNIFER may be a type of role that could pop up on those kinds of shows at some point.

So who would Jennifer's alter ego be on THE WALKING DEAD?

How about this girl? - I see her as confident, strong willed, the fixer, and maybe even love interest
I'm not wearing a lot of makeup - because on this show the characters are usually dressed in dirt.

Confident & Strong-willed

And I could take it a step further and go a little darker - This chick looks a bit more fierce like she is in the middle of it already. You can tell she has been fighting for her life and she is good at killing zombies by now. The fear she used to have is gone.

Zombie Killer

Then there is the Vampire Diaries & The Originals (same creators)- These shows have roles who could be a Vampire, A Witch, A Werewolf, A Hybrid Vamp/Werewolf or even a mere Human. So either of the 2 above could probably work. But to take it a step further into the tone of the show - I know these shows are CW and a bit more full of "PRETTY" people. Meaning they make sure you are looking pretty hot covered in blood.

So Below you can see there is a bit more hair & makeup going on, it's still on the natural side but Vampires tend to be attractive, sexualized, & confident beings because they can't be easily killed.


And how about a fiery, tough werewolf who grew up in the bayou? - she'd be a bit more country maybe even trashy so why not really let that chip on her shoulder and roots in her hair show for this one. But Werewolves are loyal and protective of their pack - and I think that comes through in my eyes in this one - This says GO AHEAD I will take a bullet for my brother!


So this is a fun project that I have been working on since the Holidays. I got a few more characters in the 'can' I will share soon. Now, I have to give credit where credit is due. These self-portraits would not be as clean and complete without the amazing retouching skills of James Rhodimer,  who also happens to be an awesome photographer and filmmaker, who I have trusted for years with my face! And I would like to also give credit to Peter Hurley Photography as well. Peter has shared some of his techniques and tips online and it has really helped me to understand how to capture what it is that has been missing for me, both behind and in front of the camera.

I would love to hear your thoughts about these shots and the shots still to come. Also share notes if you have any character suggestions, favorite photographers, or even if you want to share your own experience posing for headshots. Sharing is caring and we can all learn from each other.

Comment below or on my facebook page!

xo - Nicole

Saturday, January 23, 2016

My Addiction to Transformation

Hey Gal & Gals

It's been a hot minute. To be honest I haven't been focused much on my acting. So I haven't had much to say. I've been getting my hands dirty in others things, mainly whatever gigs will make me extra money.

Those include - Casting, Dog walking, (I'm coming out here) Developing other actors.....Needless to say, I have been in service mode majorly. 

And what I realize now typing this, is I HAVE been working on my acting everyday!  Part of an actors job is knowing the other side of the camera, staying fit and putting yourself in someone else's shoes by investigating about them.  Each one of those "jobs" above contribute to my "experiences" I can bring to my next acting job.

Uninspiring auditions, racing all over town on my lunch breaks and the waiting game for opportunities gets old after a while. So I am the type of person who likes to take things on that are new and gives me purpose in the meantime. With that said, I have learned a lot from looking at & supporting other people, finding their niches, going through their headshots and offering advice from my casting brain. And it has been totally fulfilling.

I love transformation! In fact, I may be addicted to it.  And if I am not working on changing something about myself for a character or challenging myself to grow spiritually or emotionally in some way then I am interested in someone else's journey. And I am not afraid to throw in my 2 cents.  In most cases I am thanked for it. In others, like with my boyfriend it might be unsolicited. haha And not always appreciated. errrrr

If I were to psycho analyze myself, which I do & will, I's say that is a big reason why I am so attracted to the jobs I have had. Developing Talent utilizes my acting experience, casting experience, production experience, self help book knowledge, cheerleading skills, Analytical brain and part of my "Womanness" really.   I am sure most of the joy of motherhood is seeing your babies grow and learn and become stronger, wiser, versions of themselves and that is what I have been getting to do with actors.  I have in the past few months gotten more joy from their successes than trying to chase my own. But what I am finding, is the service I am providing, is my success.  I don't have to chase it, I don't have to struggle for it. It comes easy to me. I basically get paid 1 cent an hour, at this point, but it doesn't feel like work.  Actually every month gets a little more lucrative than the last, so there is proof whatever I am contributing to them is working for them. They are getting more auditions and bookings. Hurray.  I am very proud of my "kids".

Like anything in life when in service you also have an opportunity to learn something about yourself.  All the advice I can give to others, I have needed to take myself for YEARS. Short cuts don't pay off in this business. I'm proof. Your proof, if you aren't a series regular yet. And you're friends are proof if they have the same complaints as you!  Shooting headshots for free with friends or even spending $900 to not look like you, Procrastinating on learning your audition material or having a bad attitude about it only being 1 line, Not exercising your skills or life experiences, Not getting professional taped Auditions done for Ecocasts, Not adding new footage to your acting pages, that just collects dust on your computer!  The list goes on - I'm the worst.  haha But awareness is everything. An addict can only even consider changing if they know they have a problem.

There are a million and one things I can let distract me or keep me from doing the work. Call it self sabotage, call it procrastination, call it money worries, call it lack of self worth, or just plan lack of focus or guidance.  Call it NETFLIX, but even that I can justify as research.  I mean some days are so bad I WILL CLEAN to avoid getting my shit together! 

Possible Solutions?
1. I am a fan of check boxes and homework. Give yourself 1-3 things a day to up-level yourself &/or career
2. Deadlines (with room for a little flexibility, so you don't hate yourself)
3. Since it's a lot easier to be accountable to someone else's deadline like at school or Job/jobs, get a partner and hold each other accountable.  Or schedule goals with your reps!
4. Put a little money aside just for you. (this is a very recent commitment for myself) Pay yourself like you are your own agent or manager, start adding 10-15% from each check to your savings.  It might only be $5-$25 at times and seem pointless but it adds up and energetically watch it attract more.  So if you need new headshots, or an improv class, then you don't have an excuse that you can't afford it. If you don't invest in you why should a major producer who has millions on the line?
5.  ENERGY ENERGY ENERGY THOUGHTS THOUGHTS THOUGHTS - I am not talking be hyper, workout like crazy, go running.... unless that puts you in a positive place mentally, then yes I am saying that. Really its about paying attention to where you are giving your energy - that's where the universe moves things for you whether in your favor or not. Your focus is EVERYTHING to do with it.  Pay attention to your thoughts. Are you saying your not pretty enough, too fat, too old, can't afford it??!!  Well the more you speak it, the more you believe it, and the more you are experiencing it.  It's a self defeating prophecy.  STOP THAT SHIT NOW!  You have proof already THAT BEHAVIOR doesn't work to change anything for the better, because you are still right where you have always been. As a matter of fact, Your agents and managers can be submitting you and pitching you like crazy, you can be blaming them for nothing happening, but YOU are telling the universe you aren't worthy or ready for the job with those kinds of thoughts! So that door isn't going to open even if you have CAA making calls for you. Granted if you land CAA you will probably feel pretty good about yourself. haha.  ENERGY, THOUGHTS, FOCUS, & WORTH. Those are all inside jobs. Your mother held your hands while you learned to walk but at some point she had to let you go, and the "baby you" needed to trust you could keep going without her.

Step, Walk, Run and Frolic into your dreams and purpose friends -

PS>>>>>check out my instagram/twitter Transformation for my first really inspiring AUDITION in a while, This one has me all in & I will be updating it periodically through to my callback and fingers crossed after that.....

Allow your personal transformations,
xo - Nicole

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Oh crap! I never hit send, my last weeks blog...today!

Hey Guys & Gals

Well....it's been a hot minute hasn't it peeps?

Needless to say I haven't been doing much acting, so not much to report besides a few auditions here and there.  I've been contemplating lately, about how much time I put into it and more importantly DON'T put into it.  I am noticing I am enjoying watching other people's acting journeys unfolding more than my own. Ie...NETFLIX BINGING or GETTING SUPERFAN EXCITED WHEN FRIENDS GET GIGS!

I kinda like throwing my hair up and avoiding makeup sometimes, ya know? And one can get burnt out on the endless self promoting too.  However, I think my biggest turn off honestly, has been the fact that it's been Hot as Balls and I have no AC in my car so the thought of getting dressed up for an audition and sitting in traffic then showing up like a wet noodle is not appeally. hahaha SAD but TRUE.

I mean if Shondra Rhimes called me up tomorrow, don't get me wrong....I'd show up with wet wipes and a big ol' smile on my face!  I'd rally for that lady!  She is one of my favorite show creators the past 2 years especially.

Speaking of!!!!  Big Congrats to VOILA DAVIS for here EMMY WIN this year!  She stole my heart the moment I saw her first words in THE HELP.  If you watch her performances and you do not go on an emotional rollercoaster with her and everything she emotes....you might not be human or have a heart.  Just sayin' She is absolutely steller and is so worthy of the honor!

Lots of great Under Dog Actors receive praise this year!   I only say under dog because a lot of their careers up until now have been, character/supporting roles.  Side kicks, friends, comedy relief, etc happy to say that seems to be changing.  Actings chops actually matter again! Hip Hip Hurray!

Other winners this year: 
Richard Jenkins - Love him! Such a solid, committed actor, ALWAYS
Frances McDormand - I'm mean, what can't you praise her for?
Jeffrey Tambor - He has been killing it for decades....decades
Jon Hamm - gotta say, he started as just a pretty face but season 2 he turned it around for me, really took good chances emotionally and won me over. Go Jon!
Julia Louis-Dreyfus - comedic genius...all that really needs to be said

Anyways, these people are endlessly entertaining and inspiring to watch. It is so great to see the underdogs acknowledged!

Until Next time Ya'll